• Jillianpetrova started the topic Money Management Tips for Students! in the forum Public Forum 6 years, 11 months ago

    Well, every student should be aware of is the key to financial success is how you manage your spending habits and savings on yourself.  Unless you won the lottery! But you’re working as well to support yourself so how can you manage the money while studying.
    As a student, you always face the financial crisis, and you’re also working hard to earn a good amount of money in your free time, so you want to save that money so you can use it for something good in future or in the time of need. Here are some interesting tips for a student for money management.

    1.    Plan for everything
    Before you go out with friends or for pampering yourself, plan for it, use the most financially suitable services while you go out and try to save money as much as you can and keep that money. Planning before attempt of purchase can save you from misuse of your cash.

    For example, if you want to buy custom coursework online, you should take aside a portion of money from your budget so that you can use that money when the time arrives.

    2.    Budget
    Always budget your monthly or weekly expenditure, once you budget it then try to cut off all the surpluses of thing you want to buy there is no need of them, and even if you want it then look for offers and sales.
    Do your mathematics before you start spending because you also have to pay your bills and rent, so making a good budget and doing maths can save you from upcoming expenses.

    3.    Manage time
    Time management is the key success to managing the money. But how, well its simple always prepare your monthly schedule and plans and according to them you can spend your money! Well, of course, it’s not possible to live for free on discounts but making your schedules and spending accordingly can save you from many of expenses.

    4.    Be creative
    Well yes everyone wants to go out and enjoy in the end of the weekend and you can spend you entire week cash in one single night and you that, from saving yourself from such expensive just be creative!
    Call over your friends and make a party at home, or look for happening near you, don’t shilly-shally you’re always invited.  So enjoy free food and drinks!

    5.    Open a bank account
    Open your saving account in a bank, because in a bank account you can save a lot plus there are more benefits also for account holders and student account in a bank, so look for such opportunities around you and avail it. They can also help you “pay someone to do your assignment”.

    6.    Cook at home
    Yes completely understand the tempting meal of restaurant can be mouthwatering but with the mouthwatering meal and expensive cost also you have to pay. So buy your own groceries and cook your own food.
    If you think you can’t cook don’t worry all you have to do is just follow the recipe and you can become a master chef. Keep cooking your own your meal and you can save a lot of money.

    7.    Cut the surpluses
    Just cut off all the surplus expenses you do over the weekend I know it’s hard because you want to buy that dress you like it in the shop or that watch amazes you always. But Say No to your surplus habits and you can save a good amount.

    8.    Control your impulsiveness
    Some of us or you can say every one of us has the impulsive purchasing habit, once we get the shot we just want to buy everything because we like it not because we needed it. Control your impulsiveness by keeping the short amount of cash in your pocket.